| 1. | Specification for metal collapsible tubes for eye ointment 眼科软膏用金属软管规范
| 2. | Specification for plastics metal laminate collapsible tubes 塑料金属叠层可涨缩软管规范
| 3. | Collapsible tube roller coating 软管滚涂油墨
| 4. | Transformation of metal from slug shape to tube shape by the impact extrusion process does mot involve any assembly of parts in the fabrication of collapsible tubes 在制作(装)膏状物小(金属)管过程中,将条状(或是块状)的金属通过冷挤压转化为管状的工序并不包含任何零件的装配。
| 5. | Closures for collapsible tubes are generally made of plastics materials today , and both thermosetting and thermoplastics types are available with a variety of external shapes and internal threads for screwing tightly on to tube nozzle 当今, (装)膏状物小(金属)管的管盖通常由塑料材料制成,不管是热硬化性塑料还是热塑性塑料皆可,它们外型各异,并配有不同的内螺纹以保证管盖与管口能拧紧。
| 6. | Collapsible tubes are generally packed in the united kingdom into paperboard cartons or plywood boxes fitted with honeycomb - type divisions , so that individual tubes do not damage easily in transit , nor have their highly decorative artwork scratched 装)膏状物小(金属)管通常在英国包装,包装盒为配以蜂窝型分区的纸板箱或是胶合板箱,以保证软管在运输过程中不会轻易损害,并防止软管上的装饰品不被擦伤。
| 7. | Shanghai jia tian pharmaceutical packaging co . , ltd . ( shanghai new asia pharmaceutical jinshan co . , ltd . ) was founded in 1990 . we are the leading producer of aluminum collapsible tubes in china for pharmaceutical , cosmetic , chemical and food industries 上海佳田药用包装有限公司(原上海新亚药业金山有限公司)创建于1990年,是目前国内最大的专门从事药用小型铝质软硬管(罐)包装材料开发,生产和销售的公司。